The Lodge, Phillips Theological Seminary

Tulsa, Oklahoma

We’re proud to collaborate with Phillips Theological Seminary on their campus master plan, and design for a seminary lodge facility. The Lodge building will accommodate 25 residents, primarily seminary students, providing an opportunity to foster community through shared experiences during their courses. The design emphasizes the shared public spaces, including an exterior courtyard that is a visual connector, and a large kitchen for shared meal prep, as well as a small gallery for artwork among other social gathering spaces. The interior courtyard integrates elements reminiscent of a cloister, a symbol of religious education historically and includes stained glass elements, as well as a prayer labyrinth. The conference center includes a large meeting space to hold over 200attendees for a lecture, or 160 attendees for a banquet to provide flexibility for a variety of uses. The Phillips Theological Seminary also has offices in the facility to closer collaborate with students during their experience on campus. This exciting project is currently under construction.


Master Planning
Structural Engineering
Interior Design

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