Family Safety Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma
KKT partnered with Family Safety Center several years ago to assess their real estate options and future programming needs. This vital non- profit offers crucial community services, including facilitating protective orders, providing forensic medical examinations, and offering legal assistance to those in need. Through collaborations with organizations like Domestic Violence Intervention Services and Legal Aid, among others, Family Safety Center has expanded its reach in the community.
KKT has designed this 65,000 SF facility to enhance their services. This partnership started with visioning sessions for over 60 stakeholders, a through program evaluation, and site investigation before moving forward with the current location at 28th and Sheridan adjacent to the Child Advocacy Network, which has overlapping services. The building is designed like a “hug” to welcome in visitors in a safe and secure facility but integrating trauma informed design principles to provide a respite and private place to proceed through the services inside the facility. We are excited to see this project progress into construction in summer 2024.
Site Analysis
Structural Engineering
Interior Design